Since the dawn of civilization human beings have been attracted to symbols. Whether it be sticks, stones, sand, or mud man has found ways to identify emotions, signals, and places of function. Prosperous western nations have taken a page out of the book of History. The Constitutional Republic that makes up The United States of America is no exception. If one wants to beg to differ, than just look at the layout of the nation's capital, Washington D.C., the nation's flag, and even The Statue of Liberty. Another symbol that is the centerpiece of every citizen's psyche is The Great Seal (obverse). This symbol is made up of an North American bald eagle with a red and white shield in front of it. In the left claw is a olive branch, symbolizing peace. In the right claw is a set of arrows, symbolizing war. Of course there's thirteen stars above the eagles head. But, it's the ribbon that dangles from it's beak that's the most important part. Imprinted on the ribbon is the motto E Pluribus Unum, meaning out of many, one. I'm writing this is to tell you that no matter what sins were committed in this nation's past, any person that is born on these shores is the freest person on the planet.
E Pluribus Unum is much more than a sophisticated set of words translated in Latin that's imprinted on The United States one dollar bill. Out of many, our form of government is suppose to be the most fair and best structure wise. Out of many, we are suppose to set the moral principal for the world to follow. Out of many, our character and integrity as citizens should be marveled by those who are going through naturalization. Out of many, our history (both the good and the bad) should be used as an example of what transformation looks like. As we speak The United States of America will always be the beacon of hope that people from all corners of the world can seek refuge in.
Sadly, as a country we hinder our own blessings. Instead of finding common ground members of our government find ways to fight and argue. The left (made up of moderate democrats and far-left progressives) and the right (made of mostly baby boomers and traditionalist) are always going at it. And I mean going after each other's neck over petty arguments and stances. The issues differ of course. However, as a government official that is elected by the people you should put all of your personal beliefs last while you are at the nation's capital. You are a congressman, than an individual. You are a senator, than an individual. Everything else should fall down the waist side. This is just my humble opinion. Nothing more or less.
E Pluribus Unum is much more than a sophisticated set of words translated in Latin that's imprinted on The United States one dollar bill. Out of many, our form of government is suppose to be the most fair and best structure wise. Out of many, we are suppose to set the moral principal for the world to follow. Out of many, our character and integrity as citizens should be marveled by those who are going through naturalization. Out of many, our history (both the good and the bad) should be used as an example of what transformation looks like. As we speak The United States of America will always be the beacon of hope that people from all corners of the world can seek refuge in.
Sadly, as a country we hinder our own blessings. Instead of finding common ground members of our government find ways to fight and argue. The left (made up of moderate democrats and far-left progressives) and the right (made of mostly baby boomers and traditionalist) are always going at it. And I mean going after each other's neck over petty arguments and stances. The issues differ of course. However, as a government official that is elected by the people you should put all of your personal beliefs last while you are at the nation's capital. You are a congressman, than an individual. You are a senator, than an individual. Everything else should fall down the waist side. This is just my humble opinion. Nothing more or less.
Russia, China, and India are three of our biggest competitors (so they say). These three heavy hitters are laughing at us behind closed doors. Division doesn't just breed hatred and chaos, but distraction. Distraction breeds stagnation. Stagnation causes things to not get done. During the peak of the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, China was able to bring kids back to school in a short period of time by using robots to check their temperatures. The Republic of China was also able to build a faculty the size of a resort for people who needed to recover from COVID. Meanwhile, we here in the U.S. have children on TikTok when they're supposed to be on virtual learning. Before our medical professionals were able to get COVID under control states such as New York and California were living morgues. After all of this to put things into consideration our leaders at the nation's capital were so busy fighting over petty differences. Us as citizens we found arguments and topics as excuses to stand on in order to fight each other. Fighting for the nation's soul for another four to eight years will cause us a lifetime of setbacks.
Here I stand before you as a member of a majority that likes to remain silent. My registration into this group four years ago was one of the best choices I ever made in my short existence on this planet. To live in my world is to see politics as a big stage and seeing both parties as two sides of the same coin. The legacy media is nothing but a device to turn lies into truth. Celebrities are being used as pawns to recruit people and turn them into soldiers to fight a war that would be the end of all things of compassion and logic. Whoever is behind the curtain really doesn't want to show their face (I honestly think it's better that way). Tuning out all of the nonsense and finding what speaks to you is what matters the most. I am no prophet, scholar, or teacher. I have come in the form of a messenger with something of urgency. Please take heed of the message and not the messenger. Thank you and keep evolving as individuals.-[5/5/2021]
Here I stand before you as a member of a majority that likes to remain silent. My registration into this group four years ago was one of the best choices I ever made in my short existence on this planet. To live in my world is to see politics as a big stage and seeing both parties as two sides of the same coin. The legacy media is nothing but a device to turn lies into truth. Celebrities are being used as pawns to recruit people and turn them into soldiers to fight a war that would be the end of all things of compassion and logic. Whoever is behind the curtain really doesn't want to show their face (I honestly think it's better that way). Tuning out all of the nonsense and finding what speaks to you is what matters the most. I am no prophet, scholar, or teacher. I have come in the form of a messenger with something of urgency. Please take heed of the message and not the messenger. Thank you and keep evolving as individuals.-[5/5/2021]
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